About Us
Vision For Generations
Richflow Crop Care,India,Mumbai is an indigenous and trustworthy natural input manufacturer in India. The journey of our substantial, significant & sustainable field research & development activities were initiated 15 years back before product branding. The milestone of Richflow crop care was founded by various field trials & tests, innovations, dedication, commitments & frantic restless efforts which proved success in sustainable agriculture beyond reasonable doubts.
The versatile vision of CEO Babuji has turned the Richflow crop care from “A little seed into the mighty tree today” with rightful course of progression & succession.”As difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” Richflow succeed as a top notch premium brand in the field of sustainable agriculture, the cardinal need of future agronomy in the interest of human & environment.
Our vigil and ubiquitous perspective towards genuine, consistent quality products based on sustainability have achieved grand success in the sector of horticulture, vegetables, commercial, herbal, floriculture,field crops as well as green house , poly house, and net shades.
Our premium products are 100% genuine & sustainably designed with advance technology, efficacy & consistency to meet a need of any crop variety at all stages of growth,development & reproductivity accompanied with promising ideology of sustainability.Our products are built on strict parameters of quality, efficiency & versatility has won the trust and good will of our farmers, distributors, stockiest, dealers, & retailers with tried, tested & proven effects.
We have accepted Government of India & UN’s Sustainability policy. We are proud to say that Sustainability is forever. We honestly believe, follow & promote the ideology eco-friendly,non-toxic & non-hazardous agronomy policy.
Let us join the sustainablity movement of RICHFLOW CROP CARE, INDIA,MUMBAI in the interest of nation, nature & human society !!